Educatia 360 - emisiune/podcast

The main ingredient of success is not IQ

Bine v-am regăsit! Rămâneți alături de noi pentru a afla care este elementul ce poate să ducă la succes.

Educația 360 – Etapele parentale; Dictatură si valori. Ep. 2
Emisiunea "Educatie la 360 de grade"

Educația la 360° is a show that aims to approach the field of education in a holistic way. You can listen to us weekly on RVS Brașov (94,6 FM), wednesdays at 16:00 and sundays at 14:00. The show will also be available in video format on Facebook and YoutubeIn audio format, the show can be watched on the Apple Podcast and Google Podcast platforms.


  • Stefanita Poenariu

    Ștefăniţă Poenariu is the president of "Holistic Christian Education Association", founder of "Transylvania International School".

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