The World of TIS
The World of TIS
Educational Philosophy
The TIS approach is a complex one, focusing on excellence in education and the development of future leaders. Thus, in the world we are trying to create, we offer children a balance in the development of curriculum, number of study hours and recreation time.
Proiectele & activitățile TIS

TIS Education
We want as many people as possible to understand the philosophy behind the creation of the Transylvania International School education project through a series of articles and interviews with the founders of this project.

TIS Parents

TIS Partners
We also want to continue to reach out to international schools with whom our students can exchange views and opinions about their educational experience. Together we are stronger!

TIS Living Books
Whether they write stories, novellas or even books about childhood or children, our young writers will help us understand their thoughts and vision of the world and the people around them. Read about your child's world!

TIS Cares
We want to teach our children about poor people, what it means to not have a roof over your head, and also how we can help society even through the little things we can give.

TIS Nature
We are privileged to be able to conduct our classes in an academic environment, yet surrounded by nature, so we want to continue to show and teach our children about the wonders we are surrounded by every day.

TIS Life Skills
We will continue to support them in developing argumentative processes and skills, explaining how they should act or re-act in practical situations because, first and foremost, education is about life.

TIS Science
We want the world around us to be explained and understood by our students, so we bring in experts from different branches of science to our workshops to show them how the Universe we live in works.

TIS Speakers
Not only do we encourage freedom of expression, but we also guide our children to embrace the art of public speaking, guiding them in choosing the right words that can change opinions and bring people together.

TIS Music
We want to give our students the opportunity to learn to sing either vocally or on a musical instrument. Thus, we have partnered with a children's choir conductor who will teach our little ones the art revealed through music.

TIS Summer
We want to build creative workshops throughout the summer holidays that will help us all have a fun-filled time and make friendships that we will remember fondly for a lifetime.

TIS Camps
How you sleep in a tent or the feelings you experience when sitting around a campfire are just two of the wonders children have to experience on their journey to adulthood. Experience TIS Camps!
The World of TIS
Curriculum Components
Philosophy, pedagogy, methodology and working tools are the components that complete, in a perfect balance, the curriculum we implement every day at Transylvania International School.
Programele prelungite, echilibrul academic între EQ și SQ și dezvoltarea caracterului sunt completate în permanență de învățarea prin descoperire și conceptul de ”acceleration”, dezvoltate în clase de studiu cu număr restrâns de elevi. Credem în evaluarea individualizată și particularizată, pentru că micuții noștri sunt unici!