
On Leadership in the Church - Ep.7

Understood as an act of leading, guiding or inspiring, leadership has permeated our society as a concept of personal development or as an ability to lead in a visionary way within an institution or organization.

After talking about educational leadership in the previous show, in today's edition of Education 360 we ask how leadership fits into the space of religious organizations, churches, where the Christic principle of service calls for all to be one in Christ, and for the big to serve the little?

What is the framework of religious leadership, what are its goals and how can you lead your brothers and sisters in Christ? What, then, is the model of leadership left by Christ to his followers?

On Leadership in the Church - Ep.7
Emisiunea "Educatie la 360 de grade"

Educația la 360° is a show that aims to approach the field of education in a holistic way. You can listen to us weekly on RVS Brașov (94,6 FM), wednesdays at 16:00 and sundays at 14:00. The show will also be available in video format on Facebook and YoutubeIn audio format, the show can be watched on the Apple Podcast and Google Podcast platforms.


  • Stefanita Poenariu

    Ștefăniţă Poenariu is the president of "Holistic Christian Education Association", founder of "Transylvania International School".

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