

Transylvania International School offers a pre-university education based on a holistic philosophy of education. This involves high academic standards that prepare students for the best high schools and universities in Romania and around the world, assisting them in their intellectual, personal, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development, as well as attention to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

TIS wants to support students in forming a critical spirit, nurturing curiosity and stimulating creativity, so that they can contribute, throughout their lives, to the good of people and society, in the spirit of Christian values.


Transylvania International School promotes a holistic philosophy of education from a Christian perspective.

It is an environment where:

  • respects the student's own pace by creating a non-competitive, student-centered environment centered on the student and his/her needs, in line with those learning competencies specific to the 21st century (pilot school in accelerated learning, mentoring, counseling and guidance in a universal learning framework, etc.);
  • freedom of expression and critical thinking is encouraged (through subjects such as life skills, neuroscience and critical thinking, character development, etc.);
  • cultivating a love of nature and fellow human beings (mini zoo, lake, orchard, generous green spaces, planting plots, social projects, camps, charitable projects, parents' school, etc.);
  • emphasis is placed on physical development (sports are practised, sports and technical activities are organised, etc.);
  • se încurajează dezvoltarea inteligenței emoționale și a celei sociale prin programe edu- caționale specifice;
  • Christian values are promoted - the understanding that a child is a precious gift from God, unique and unrepeatable, endowed with specific talents and abilities, with its own pace of learning and unique opportunities to be of use to its peers;
  • se desfășoară activități educaționale în grupe mici de studiu (cu o medie de maximum 15 elevi/ profesor);
  • se cultivă latura artistică (cerc literar, revista școlii, artă dramatică, muzică vocală și instru- mentală, cor etc.);
  • se încurajează un stil de viață sănătos (alimentație, mișcare, stare de spirit pozitivă, bucuria în actul educational, pauze de 20 minute pentru joacă și socializare, profesorii ca mentori – cultivarea relațiilor de încredere etc.)
  • learning through play is encouraged;
  • STEM activities are organised from an early age in primary school;
  • responsibility for cultural heritage is cultivated, coupled with an international outlook (teachers from abroad, multicultural projects, etc.);
  • a community-based educational approach is strengthened, in which families, teachers and children are part of a complete educational community.

TIS School 2023-2024

  • Primary cycle:preparatory class/ K6 - grade 4
  • Secondary cycle:grades 5-8
  • Preparatory class short program (08:00-13:00)1417 RON
  • Preparatory class long program (08:00-13:00)2100 RON
  • Classes 1-4 short program (08:00-14:00)1546 RON
  • Classes 1-4 long program (08:00-17:00)2100 RON
  • Classes 5-8 short program (08:00-15:00)1677 RON
  • Classes 5-8 long program (08:00-17:00)2100 RON


Transylvania International School orients its educational process according to an integrated, cross-disciplinary, internationally oriented curriculum.It is based, in terms of teaching content, on the academic standards stipulated by the accrediting commissions - NCP- SA & ISEI (Common Core Standards & ISEI Standards), culturally adapted to the National Curriculum. It is a perspective of a comprehensive education, based on learning competencies needed for the 21st century (according to UNESCO).

Material basis

Transylvania International School has adapted classrooms equipped to modern standards of operation, courtyard with green spaces, lake, mini zoo, orchard, three sports fields, kindergarten park, conference room.

Human resources

Transylvania International School places emphasis on academic excellence. All teaching staff have a university degree and a significant number have postgraduate training: master's degree, two faculties, doctorates.

In addition to Romanian teachers, there are foreign education specialists/native English speakers who participate in the educational process.

Academic programmes include several types of collaborations:

  • full/main teachers
  • teaching assistants
  • mentor teachers/ mentors
  • volunteer teachers
  • visiting teachers

Schooling plan

Pentru anul școlar 2024-2025, Transylvania International School has the following study cycles:


Primary cycle - preparatory class/ K6 - 4th grade

Secondary cycle - grades 5-8

Ciclul liceal – clasa a 9-a